Our Learning Support Dog

We are also lucky to have Cooper, our learning support dog who supports the children. The bond between a dog and a human really is a special one and there has been thorough research into the educational benefits into having a learning support dog in school to support the children with their mental and emotional health. Cooper is caring and nurturing dog who loves being around the children.
Cooper supports the children through:
being an attentive listener
supporting children if they are struggling to come into school
offering support emotionally, they can take Cooper for a walk, and it also gives the children someone to talk to
taking part in guided reading work
supporting/motivating children during 1:1 sessions
providing comfort to a distressed child (fallen over at playtime, argument with friend etc.)
accompanying children to see visitors that they may find stressful (police, social workers, school nurse)
accompanying children outside if they cannot take part in PE e.g. children with a broken arm can still walk the dog!
to being a fun friend to play with (especially if they do not have a pet at home)!
listening to readers or listening to stories children have written.
being a role model: sits quietly on the carpet, listens carefully, gentle and kind to everyone, eats healthy snacks, takes regular exercise, drinks water, waits their turn, shares.
providing opportunities for children to be responsible.
being a reward for productive behaviour or effort.
accompanying children to the library
Cooper is part of the ELSA team as he supports our work on for social skills and self-esteem.
Cooper is looked after by Mrs Robb and his welfare is of paramount importance to us. There is a learning support dog policy and risk assessment in place for Cooper. Please see our policy section for our Therapy Dogs policy.