Early Years
Children in Early Years begin their understanding of the subject area through areas of learning such as Expressive Arts and Design and Physical Development. They will begin developing the skills above by learning about different artists and having opportunities to use a variety of art mediums and techniques.

Year 1 and 2
Our art curriculum aims to encourage children to explore freely and expressively their own creativity using a range of media. Our children are encouraged to experiment and we aim to inspire, engage and challenge the children through creating their own works of art, craft and design. We provide opportunities to think critically and generate ideas through a learning journey, both individually and collaboratively, and to invent final pieces encompassing a range of skills:
· Drawing
· Painting
· Collage
· Printing
· Textiles
· Sculpture
Children enthusiastically evaluate their own art work and that of others including professional artists from a diverse range of cultures and backgrounds, in order to understand how art contributes to the culture and creativity of our society.