Cooking & Gardening

Grow it/Cook it

Open Futures is about blending skills and enquiry in a creative way through the aspects of ‘Grow It’ and ‘Cook It’. The two strands we provide give opportunities for pupils to explore the worlds of gardening, horticulture and cooking; the practical skills allow pupils to develop their natural curiosity and develop vital life skills. 

  • The ‘Grow it’ strand is an exciting and practical way of teaching both the curriculum and horticulture to the children. The practical activities are supported by more theory based learning.
  • The ‘Cook it’ strand teaches the children the key skills to use in cookery as well as teaching the curriculum. Cookery is a wonderful cross curricular way for the children to learn literacy, numeracy, science and history.

Throughout their time at Petersgate, all children learn a progressive range of skills in the kitchen and garden appropriate for their age group.

  • ‘Cook it’ - Children will learn how to safely use proper kitchen knives to chop ingredients, they will also have the opportunity to learn to use other kitchen equipment, such as scales, measuring spoons, peelers and graters.
  • ‘Grow it’ – children learn how to plant seeds, look after plants and harvest fruit and vegetables. They also learn how to safely use garden equipment such as, trowels, watering cans, and rakes.

Contact Us

Petersgate Infant School
Green Lane

Senior Admin Officer: Miss Laura Carter
 Mrs Wendy Mitchell
 023 9259 3950

Links for Parents

© Petersgate Infant School